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Senin, 30 September 2013
TechTalk4Teachers Podcast Episode 156 - A Fresh Phish On Campus

TechTalk4Teachers Podcast Episode 156 - A Fresh Phish On Campus

Episode 156 - A Fresh Phish On Campus

It’s Monday, September 30th, 2013 and welcome to episode 156 of Tech Talk 4 Teachers. I'm Tom Grissom, I'm Cindy Rich, and I'm Mike Gioia.

Welcome to Tech Talk for Teachers the show about Teaching and Learning with Technology.

This month we will be talking about getting organized with some note-taking apps, the new iOS7 update, and a brand new phishing attempt on campus. We will finish up with our Technology Picks of the Week. Click on the link below to visit the TechTalk4Teachers blog that includes the audio file and show notes for Episode 156. Enjoy!

If you would like to subscribe to our TechTalk4Teachers podcast here is our RSS feed:

Shows are produced bimonthly and we have a little something for everyone, from Kindergarten teachers to university professors.

Keep on Learning,
Tom Grissom, PhD

Senin, 16 September 2013
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Episode 155 of TechTalk4Teachers


Today we posted Episode 155 of our TechTalk4Teachers podcast. This time we take a look at how you can protect yourself and others by selecting strong passwords.

Episode 155 - Stay Safe with Good Passwords

We also have a couple of assistive technology picks and app picks for the Common Core State Standards for Apple, Android, and Windows 8 devices.

Please give a listen as Cindy Rich and Mike Gioia join in to discuss technology-related items of interest for teachers.

Keep on Learning,
Dr. Grissom
Jumat, 06 September 2013
TechTalk4Teachers Podcast: Back to School

TechTalk4Teachers Podcast: Back to School


Welcome back!

It has been a very busy three weeks here at EIU as we are now completing our third week back to school for the fall semester. Everyone is settling in for a new school year and we are starting to find our academic rhythm. I am going to try something new for the ITC Chronicles blog and begin posting an entry here from our TechTalk4Teachers podcast as we produce new content.

Here at the Instructional Technology Center at Eastern Illinois University we try to “practice what we preach and model what we teach” for our preservice teachers by providing real-world practical examples of current educational technologies in action. It is very easy to get caught up in the edtech hype and focus on the gadgets but the “I” in ITC is stands for Instructional and must always come before the “T”echnology. Pedagogy first!

We have strived to provide useful and practical applications of educational technologies for our readers and one of the things we stress to our students is that teaching and learning needs to be multimodal. In simplest terms this means we need to provide students with opportunities to experience curriculum in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic ways. Technology can be a great friend with assisting us in meeting our teaching and learning goals, but the instructional purpose must always be kept at the forefront.

"There is no one best way to teach, there are many, in other words mix it up."
Dr. Grissom

Our TechTalk4Teachers podcast recently completed its sixth year anniversary and is one of the longest running podcast here at EIU. Readers of the ITC Chronicles may be aware of the TechTalk4Teachers podcast but providing a short post here as a reminder of new episodes will be just another way to get the word out and share some of the awesome things we are doing at the ITC.

How do I listen to TechTalk4Teachers?

The easiest way to listen to TechTalk4Teachers is to just visit our website. Here are links to the past three episodes of TechTalk4Teachers:

Episode 154- Constitution Day, Technology Triage and Corporate Hacking

Episode 153 - Hacks, Railroads, and Wego the Wonder Dog

Episode 152 - Not at ISTE and Security Spotlight

You will find a flash-based audio player for each episode at our website as well as a download link if your device does not support Adobe Flash. Just go to our website and hit the Play button.

iTunes University

TechTalk4Teachers is one of the most popular downloads at our Eastern Illinois University iTunesU site.

If you use iTunes please subscribe to TechTalk4Teachers from our EIU iTunes University site at::

If you use any other type of "podcast catcher" you can subscribe to our podcast RSS feed at:

Over the summer we produce one episode per month and we will be switching to a bimonthly format for fall. Dr. Cindy Rich and Mike Gioia join me as co-hosts as we discuss current educational technology issues.

One of the biggest benefits of audio podcasts for teachers is that you can listen while doing something else. If you have a commute, use a MP3 player to download and listen on your way to work or school.  Many teachers visit our website and just click the play link and have the podcast playing in the background. Podcasts are very easy to add to your daily routine and you will be getting free professional development to keep you up-to-date with the latest trends in educational technologies.

For our ITC master website please visit:

The ITC master website links to our blog, podcast, YouTube Channel and other things edtech related from one site.

We hope you take a listen to the TechTalk4Teachers podcast and let us know what you think.

Keep on Learning,

Tom Grissom, PhD

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