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Senin, 14 April 2014
TechTalk4Teachers Episode 163 - World Backup Day and a Special Guest

TechTalk4Teachers Episode 163 - World Backup Day and a Special Guest


I had forgotten to cross-post the most recent edition of TechTalk4Teachers so here is a sample of what you will find in Episode 163:

Bryan Murley a Professor of Journalism at EIU shares his podcast called Colllege Media Podcast. Mike Gioia and I will discuss World Backup Day and encourage EVERYONE to make a backup of your data today and we will finish up with our Technology Picks of the Week.

This episode features World Backup Day so be sure you always have a recent backup of your important files. You are only as good as your last backup in the event of a computer failure.

If you are interested in audio podcasts head on over to the TechTalk4Teachers blog. There you will find an audio player and a download link to download the most recent podcast. 

You can listen to the TechTalk4Teachers podcast right from your browser or you can subscribe to the RSS feed using your podcast catcher of choice. Archived episodes are also available. 

Keep on Learning,
Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

Twitter: @tomgrissom

Rabu, 09 April 2014
Upgrade your Webmail to Office 365

Upgrade your Webmail to Office 365

Now Available for Students on Webmail - Upgrade to Microsoft Office 365

Don't miss out on all the fun, request to have your Student Webmail account upgraded to Office 365

  • Free Microsoft Office Applications such as Word and Excel
  • Free OneDrive Cloud Storage
  • Unlimited Inbox Size
...and much much more!

ITS is currently contacting students and upgrading all Student Webmail accounts to Office 365 over the next several months.

What if I don't want to wait?

Contact the IT Service Desk to have your account upgraded overnight.

How do I make the request?

Log in to Online Service Desk>Go to Email>Request Migrate to Office 365 Student Email

How do I log in to the new account?

go to the Bond Home Page > Log in> Email (Students)> Choose Microsoft Office 365


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