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Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Day 18 – Time off for some family time

A Windows 8 Tablet for Teaching and Learning - Day 18

Saturday, December 22, 2012      
Today was a light day of use for the Ativ 500T tablet.  Most of the day was spent in preparation for a family Christmas dinner. I did use the tablet to check in on my Twitter account throughout the day and browse the Internet but that was about it.

The other thing that I am doing tonight is uploading some photos to my Skydrive account from tonight’s activities. I can save my photos taken from my mobile phone directly to Skydrive by simply selecting the photo on my phone and then selecting Save to Skydrive. This is very handy for sharing photographs (and other documents) with others.

Having access to my photos from my phone, tablet, PC, or any other computer that is connected to the Internet is one of the huge benefits of Skydrive: Any file, anytime. It makes it very convenient to have access to your files in the cloud.

Having my photos on Skydrive provides a backup of some of the better ones as well as providing the ability to share with other family members. To share a photo from my Skydrive account I simply go to the Pictures folder, navigate to the picture I want to share via Skydrive, and bring up the Charms menu (swipe in with my right thumb – select Share). 

With the picture displayed select the SHARE from the Charms menu. One of the choices is MAIL so if you select MAIL you can type in the email address of the recipient you want to share the picture with and then press the SEND icon. You can type in a short message if you would like. A long URL is generated to the shared picture that the recipient can click on to get access and display the picture.

The recipient does not have to have a Microsoft account as the link is a URL that Android and Apple users can also access. This is of huge benefit as it is very unlikely that every member of your family will have only one type of mobile phone. Skydrive plays nice with others.

Keep on Learning,
Dr. Grissom

Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

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