Breaking News
Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

ITS Installs New Wireless Access Points


Welcome back to another school year!

There have been many improvements regarding educational technologies that have occurred over the summer and today I would like to share one that directly impacts our students. 

The EIU Information Technology Services (ITS) department recently installed 34 new wireless access points in the Buzzard Hall building replacing the existing access points that were originally installed in 2004.

Replacing the ten year old wireless technology is a huge improvement to say the least. Preliminary testing has been impressive. This upgrade installation comes just in time for our students as they return next week for the first day of class.

Having access to wireless networks is just expected on a modern college campus. Wireless access, like electricity, is often taken for granted but it does take time, money, and effort to provide these services.

Here at the Instructional Technology Center (ITC) we are very much looking forward to this increased speed and capacity. We have available two Laptop Carts, two Windows 8 Tablet Carts, and one iPad Cart that are routinely checked out to classrooms for technology infused instruction. The recent wireless improvements will provide a better classroom experience and make new things possible as we continue to improve the teaching & learning experience for our faculty and students.

So, if you happen to notice an Internet speed improvement when visiting the ITC using your laptop, tablet, or mobile phone you can thank the invisible army of tech support workers that have worked behind the scenes over the summer to make this possible.

If you can read this post be sure to thank a techie, they make it possible.

Keep on Learning!

Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

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