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Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

Day 16 – How to Turn Off Conversations View in Outlook Web App


30 Days with Office 365 for Educators - Day 16

Another trend and common question left over from last weeks CEPS faculty and staff Office 365 email conversion is the default way that the Office Web App displays email messages within the browser.

The Office Web App (OWA) is one of the first experiences new users will access when logging in to their new Office 365 account. You get to OWA by clicking on the Outlook icon on the main Office 365 Start Screen.

By default your Inbox is sorted by date (most recent first) but you can also sort from Oldest to Newest. Also, remember that your InBox may be “collapsed” the first time you sign-in, just click on the triangle symbol next to the Inbox folder to expand the view to see your InBox subfolders.

Within Office 365 there is something called Conversations View that may confuse new users of the Outlook Web App if they have never used this feature before.

After our experiences over the weekend we recommend that new users TURN OFF Conversations View (at least in the beginning) as we have had a number of calls from individuals not understanding the way that Conversations View works within Office 365.

To TURN OFF Conversations View in OWA simply click on the triangle next to CONVERSATIONS BY DATE pull-down Menu and select the OFF choice under Conversations.

See image below, click to enlarge the image, press BACK to Return to this page)


The other important thing to understand with Conversations View is that if you use it and select one message within a thread to Delete the ENTIRE THREAD WILL BE DELETED. If you accidentally delete a threaded conversation by mistake you can check your Delete Folder if you want to “un” delete the messages. Be careful when deleting messages in Conversations View.

Benefits of Conversation View
Having said that, Conversations View can be beneficial if you understand its purpose. If you use Conversations View you have the option to “group” messages by the Date, Subject, From, Flagged, Size, Subject, Attachments, and Importance fields. This gives a nice summary of the email conversation as it occurred over time by whatever view you selected.

Having several email messages grouped by a common field can be useful in reviewing the history of the conversation as it occurred over time.

When Conversations View is on, you have a choice of how messages are grouped. For example, messages that share the same Subject appear as Conversations by a particular Subject and can be viewed expanded or collapsed using the triangle symbol next to the email message. Or maybe you want to be able to see all message conversations grouped by the “From” field. 

Conversations View can be very useful but when converting hundreds of users to a new email system there will be questions about how to turn it off if not wanted. For now, we are recommending that it be turned off until users are more familiar with its capabilities. You can always turn it back on at anytime if you prefer to use Conversations View.

Keep on Learning,
Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

Twitter: @tomgrissom

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